Conflict Resolution Day is a Huge Opportunity


Mediation Settlement Day

 Ken Andrichik, MVMP Board Member

Mediation Settlement Day was born in 2001 and grew in popularity. Bar Associations, community-based organizations, and court programs, along with Law Schools and Universities joined in support. Throughout, organizations conduct special programming to promote mediation and educate potential parties and attorneys about the mediation process. In New York, the 7 World Trade Center lobby, the Mid-Hudson Bridge, and Niagara Falls were lit in blue to commemorate the day!

In my former role as director of a national mediation program, we recognized Mediation Settlement Month. We reduced or eliminated administrative fees and mediators agreed to lower their fees. This “sale” on mediation every October gave staff administrators a brand new reason to contact the parties. Mediation at bargain prices!

 The aim is to encourage parties to try mediation for the first time and to reinforce its value and effectiveness to those who have benefited from mediation previously. Other organizations coordinated efforts with Conflict Resolution Day, the third Thursday of every October.

For MVMP, Conflict Resolution Day offers an outstanding opportunity to remind Islanders about the breadth of our services and the benefits of peaceful, collaborative conflict resolution. Tell your friends and neighbors that MVMP offers valuable resources to individuals, families, and business owners. We provide education to help organizations manage and prevent workplace conflicts. We guide young people on techniques to resolve disputes with their peers. We have a fabulous story to tell and Conflict Resolution Day gives us the perfect “excuse” to start up a conversation about our services.

Several board members will hand out flyers and brochures at the courthouse and local grocery stores. I encourage board members, mediators, volunteers and MVMP supporters to pitch in at one of these outlets of just get some flyers to hand to folks you encounter on that day.