MV YOUTH | Juventude na Ilha

We have been in conversation with staff and administrators at several schools to determine how we can best support students, teachers, and the school community with our services. We look forward to including young people in our mission to create an Island of Conflict Resolvers. We will be working with various schools in grades 3 through 12.

Você poderia ajudar com o nosso programa para jovens na ilha? Envie essa pesquisa para jovens entre 13 a 22 anos ou adultos que trabalhem com jovens. Nós precisamos de informação sobre problemas que afetam os jovens em Martha’s Vineyard para podermos ajudá-los.

Would you please help our Youth Program? Send any young person between 13 and 22 or any adult who works with youth to our survey. We would like to have a broad cross-section of responses as we seek to understand the conflict landscape for young people here on the Island.

Survey here––Pesquisa Clique aqui

Email your survey to our Youth Mediation Coordinator at or call 505-693-2999.