RE-ENTRY PROGRAM: Making the Transition from Incarceration to Community Easier

The missing element of re-entry services for incarcerated people in MA is the pro-social element. The Re-entry Mediation Program (ReMAp) focuses on this element, provided by a network of community mediation centers under a program administered by the MA Office of Public Collaboration at the McCormack Graduate School.

Betsy Williams, Collaborative Resolution Group mediator, Greenfield, MA says of the program: “Knowing that it’s possible to have a conversation about issues important to them – not to the jail, not to legal counsel, but only to the parties involved - is crucial in setting up a successful transition from jail to community.” Thanks to state funding, the Re-entry Program offers private, non-judgmental planning conversations between people who are within 6-12 months of release. Participants can be pre or post sentencing. Those who are incarcerated mediate with individuals who are significant to them on the outside.

Mediation is offered through an expanding network of nine Sheriff's Departments, Department of Corrections facilities, and post release agencies in the community. The program, which is offered across MA, is based on a successful model in Maryland that significantly impacts recidivism rates, creating post-release stability.

Re-entry Mediation is offered for FREE to the incarcerated individuals and those they would like to make plans with. The meetings are conducted at the place of incarceration, in a confidential and private setting. Three meetings are available, if needed, for each Re-Entry case.

Please email for more information or call 508-693-2999